
MMI (Multi.Index.Indicator)

Multi-Index Momentum Indicator (MMI)
The Multi-Index Momentum Indicator (MMI) is a custom TradingView Pine Script indicator designed to calculate and display the momentum difference between the base and quote indexes of various currency pairs. This indicator helps traders identify the relative strength or weakness of a currency pair by comparing the momentum of its base and quote indexes.

Currency Pair Detection: The indicator automatically detects the currency pair of the current chart and selects the appropriate base and quote indexes for that pair.
Index Data Retrieval: It fetches the closing prices of the base and quote indexes for the specified timeframe.

Momentum Calculation:
The indicator calculates the 14-period momentum for both the base and quote indexes and then computes the momentum difference.
Visual Representation: The momentum difference is plotted on the chart as a colored line. If the momentum difference is positive, the line is green; if negative, the line is red.

Data Availability Check:
The script checks if the index data is available. If any index data is missing, the script displays a red label on the chart indicating which index data is missing.
Zero Line: A horizontal line at the zero level is plotted for reference.
Supported Currency Pairs and Their Indexes:

USDJPY: Base Index - DXY, Quote Index - JPYX
EURUSD: Base Index - EXY, Quote Index - DXY
GBPUSD: Base Index - BXY, Quote Index - DXY
AUDUSD: Base Index - AXY, Quote Index - DXY
USDCHF: Base Index - DXY, Quote Index - SXY
USDCAD: Base Index - DXY, Quote Index - CXY
GBPJPY: Base Index - BXY, Quote Index - JPYX

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