
Linear Regression Slope - Version 2

Version 2 - Linear Regression Slope. This version will have more freedom on picking your own length for all the Inputs.

One of the main reason I changed it is because, Slope calculation on transition period was not being computed properly. Because the Version 1, looks back the length assigned, and compute the slope based on two candle readings, could be 10 days apart or 50. That was misleading.

Therefore, I changed it to plot daily slope and Smooth it with an EMA.

Linear Regression Curve -
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Uday C Santhakumar

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// Created by UCSgears -- Version 2
// Simple linear regression slope - Good way see if the trend is accelarating or decelarating

study(title="UCSGEARS - Linear Regression Slope", shorttitle="UCS-LRS", overlay=false)

src = close
clen = input (defval = 50, minval = 1, title = "Curve Length")
slen = input(defval=5, minval=1, title="Slope Length")
glen = input(defval=13, minval=1, title="Signal Length")

//Linear Regression Curve
lrc = linreg(src, clen, 0)
//Linear Regression Slope
lrs = (lrc-lrc[1])/1
//Smooth Linear Regression Slope
slrs = ema(lrs, slen)
//Signal Linear Regression Slope
alrs = sma(slrs, glen)
//loalrs = sma(slrs, (glen*5))

uacce = lrs > alrs and lrs > 0 
dacce = lrs < alrs and lrs < 0 

scolor = uacce ? green : dacce ? red : blue

plot(0, title = "Zero Line", color = gray)
plot(slrs, color = scolor, title = "Linear Regression Slope", style = histogram, linewidth = 4)
plot(alrs, color = gray, title = "Average Slope")