TrapTradingBuy on dips and sell into rallies. Simple as that.
- Short line (green)
- Base line (white)
- Long line (red)
When the market price touches the white or the red(green) lines, buy(sell) orders are generated.
The exit points are 2 lines above(below) the entries.
- Period: It affects the value of Base line and the spacing of each line.
- Multiple: Specify the spacing between each line.
Power Momentum by Atilla YurtsevenThe Power Momentum indicator calculates momentum in a different way. The graph may look similar. The important part is the color of the bars.
If you set the "Base Line" to "Zero", there are two important things to notice. The orange color when the bars are below the base and the blue color when the bars are above the base.
If you set the "Base Line" to "Stats", instead of coloring bar, you see the bars in exact positions. For example; "Zero" shows you orange bar below the base line but "Stats" shifts the bars over the Base line.
Momentum is calculated statistically. If the momentum moves over to the preset levels, bar colors change concurrently.
Orange: Orange bar below the base line means high possibility of an upcoming up movement
Blue: Blue bar above the base line means high possibility of an upcoming down movement
I hope you enjoy this indicator. As I stated in my previous indicators, i use statistical methods while developing my indicators.
Disclaimer: All the information in this article, including the indicator, was provided and published for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal or financial advice. Please use at your own risk.
Please remember to follow me and post some comments so i can share more indicators.
Happy trading! :)
Atilla Yurtseven
Momentum IndicatorMomentum indicator with adjustable EMA's bar colors lime for volume increase red for volume decrease
Shorts & Longs (Bitfinex) - Active CoinPlots the ammount of shorts and longs on bitfinex of current chart using the ticker ID
Dynamic Momentum Index (DMI) Backtest This indicator plots Dynamic Momentum Index indicator. The Dynamic Momentum
Index (DMI) was developed by Tushar Chande and Stanley Kroll. The indicator
is covered in detail in their book The New Technical Trader.
The DMI is identical to Welles Wilder`s Relative Strength Index except the
number of periods is variable rather than fixed. The variability of the time
periods used in the DMI is controlled by the recent volatility of prices.
The more volatile the prices, the more sensitive the DMI is to price changes.
In other words, the DMI will use more time periods during quiet markets, and
less during active markets. The maximum time periods the DMI can reach is 30
and the minimum is 3. This calculation method is similar to the Variable
Moving Average, also developed by Tushar Chande.
The advantage of using a variable length time period when calculating the RSI
is that it overcomes the negative effects of smoothing, which often obscure short-term moves.
The volatility index used in controlling the time periods in the DMI is based
on a calculation using a five period standard deviation and a ten period average
of the standard deviation.
You can change long to short in the Input Settings
- For purpose educate only
- This script to change bars colors.
Dynamic Momentum Index (DMI) Strategy This indicator plots Dynamic Momentum Index indicator. The Dynamic Momentum
Index (DMI) was developed by Tushar Chande and Stanley Kroll. The indicator
is covered in detail in their book The New Technical Trader.
The DMI is identical to Welles Wilder`s Relative Strength Index except the
number of periods is variable rather than fixed. The variability of the time
periods used in the DMI is controlled by the recent volatility of prices.
The more volatile the prices, the more sensitive the DMI is to price changes.
In other words, the DMI will use more time periods during quiet markets, and
less during active markets. The maximum time periods the DMI can reach is 30
and the minimum is 3. This calculation method is similar to the Variable
Moving Average, also developed by Tushar Chande.
The advantage of using a variable length time period when calculating the RSI
is that it overcomes the negative effects of smoothing, which often obscure short-term moves.
The volatility index used in controlling the time periods in the DMI is based
on a calculation using a five period standard deviation and a ten period average
of the standard deviation.
- This script to change bars colors.
PTF_VWMA Percentage ChangeThis Indicator plots the Percentage change of the Volume Weighted Moving Average.
It takes the VWMA length and calculates the Volume Weighted Moving Average over that period, it then "Looks Back" and calculates the percentage change from that point to the current point.
This is helpful in seeing if the price has swung outside of a normal range that you can determine by adjusting an upper and lower horizontal line. These lines are just guides.
In the case of a pump and dump, the VWMA Percentage change line would swing wildly upwards and then crash back downwards, after the coin stablises again then the VWMA % Change would fit back into your "Safe Trading Zone"
Feel free to you it as you wish and if you feel generous then by all means, donate some LTC.
If you don't have PT Feeder and have now decided to get it, please use my affiliate link below.
Created 2018 - by @Squiggles#8806
LTC Tip Jar: LX4bUBdjiRPsagUbZoAczSGgDC4YqTJL7w
Pt Feeder affililiate link: cryptoprofitbot.com
DepthHouse BTC MO Backtest [Strategy]NOTE: Only works on BTC
All testing was done on 1hr Timeframe.
Past performance Is no guarantee of future results.
This is a experimental indicator - use at your own risk.
This is an experimental backtest strategy for the original DepthHouse BTC Momentum Oscillator
The idea of this is to aid traders in finding the best indicators settings to match their trading style.
---BTC MO SIgnals---
Signal Line: Generally, if the Signal Line is greater than 0, then there is more bullish momentum in the market
Tops & Bottoms: Signals used to help spot where BTC 0.96% momentum may have topped or bottomed out
Possible Divergences: Used to help spot possible reversals on continuous trends
---oh92's Preset Setting---
Scalper: (20,11,17,6) Very reactive settings that I use while day trading. However, faster settings generally increase the chance of false signals(20,11,17,6)
Swing Trader: (5,25,55,10) Greatly reduces noise for my longer time trades. Generally makes 'tops' and 'bottoms' more accurate. Which can be a huge advantsge in spoting an earnly trend reversal
Custom: Allows user adjustments of all settings
Displayed: (17,32,45,7)
Try this indicator for FREE! Just leave a comment, or feel free to send me a PM
Link to the original DepthHouse BTC Momentum Oscillator :
There are many markets, strategies, and investment timeframes, but one thing never changes – accurate, timely information makes a huge difference to your bottom line results.
The SPYderCrusher Market Research Analysis Suite takes the guesswork out of price changes with clear, actionable data, supported by extensive quantitative testing. We help make your work easier, your results better, and your insight more precise.
The Analysis Suite was formerly a paid add-on package in direct partnership with TradingView. It was the highest-selling software on the platform for good reason – it’s effective. To expand our data, features, and user-experience, we made the move to host client resources on our own. Becoming a client is easy – just a few clicks at www.scmrtrends.com and you’re activated!
Aside from software access, membership includes:
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All designed specifically to improve your market timing and expertise. Our value proposition clear: the SPYderCrusher Analysis Suite finds attractive opportunities faster and more accurately than competitors. Clear understanding of price changes increases your confidence, saves you time, and lowers your costs.
About SPYderCrusher Momentum Peaks™
Uses: SPYderCrusher Momentum Peaks™ shows the strength of price trends on two different timeframes. In addition to momentum, it’s an excellent tool to find choppy market conditions. Many tools focus on trends or mean-reversion, but few can accurately measure chop (i.e. non-trending markets).
- Easily find Long-Term Momentum (positive and negative)
- Identify Short-Term Momentum ranges (the brighter green and the brighter red)
- Forecast the expected volatilities of momentum (blue horizontal dots)
Example Chart Above: The sample chart above shows the SPYderCrusher Momentum Peaks™ on BITFINEX:BTCUSD .
- When the Long-Term momentum (positive or negative) is above (below) the Expected Percent bands (blue horizontal dots) then a trend is in place
- When neither are above or below the dots, or only slightly above, the market has no long-term trend, and mean-reversion strategies work best
- The dark green and red show when short-term momentum conditions are stretched and can mean-revert - forward returns tend to be lower short-term when these readings are high
SPYderCrusher Momentum Peaks™ helps you measure expected ranges and visualize trend size - this is a great complement to the other entry/exit/analysis tools in the Suite. PURCHASE HERE .
Thank you for your interest and your support - it's incredibly appreciated
- Daniel Jassy, CFA
Founder of SPYderCrusher Market Research
About - learn about our background and our expertise in quantitative finance
Email: support scmrtrends com
Quick Disclosure: Nothing in this writeup / demonstration should ever be considered as advice or an invitation to buy or sell any securities. Please see the Terms of Use / Privacy Policy for a full disclaimer.
The CFA Institute does not endorse, promote, or warrant the accuracy or quality of SPYderCrusher Market Research. CFA® and Chartered Financial Analyst® designations are registered trademarks owned by the CFA Institute.
© 2018 — SPYderCrusher Market Research™. All Rights Reserved.
Trend Continuation FactorTrend Continuation Factor indicator script.
This indicator was originally developed by M.H. Pee (Stocks & Commodities V. 20:3 (58-64): Trend Continuation Factor).
Trend Detection IndexTrend Detection Index indicator script.
This indicator was originally developed by M.H. Pee (Stocks & Commodities V. 19:10 (54-61): Trend Detection Index).
ChillyWilly looks for the momentum trades.
ChillyWilly combines the 4 different well known momentum indicators to bring the best signals.
ChillyWilly works with any kind of market state, any kind of trading, and any kind of asset.
ChillyWilly has more features than any other momentum indicator in the market: Combining shorter term momentum with longer term momentum, and looking for M's and W's for you.
ChillyWilly is designed for longer time frame traders and investors.
All you have to do is:
1- Use it like you would use RSI (ChillyWilly is ranging between 0-100 --> Closer to 0 means Long ~~ Closer to 100 means short)
2- Look for green or orange lines. (Orange means momentum is BOTH in a good location to long and showing a W ; Green means EITHER momentum is in a good location to long or showing a W)
3- Look for red or maroon lines. (Red means momentum is BOTH in a good location to short and showing a M ; Green means EITHER momentum is in a good location to short or showing a M)
Enlighten others
Frosted 12 EMA WIDTHThis is a complementary indicator for the 12 EMAs indicator ()
This width indicator shows the fanning width of each fan (shorter MAs and longer MAs).
To make things easier to see:
You can turn off one of the histograms to view just one of the widths (and add a 2nd instance of this indicator, turning off the other width).
Runner 1.0This script uses moving average crosses together with momentum to try to optimalise entry and exit, based on the market info at that time.
It works best on the 5 minute chart, and pyramiding will increase profit - but lower the profit factor. Based on testing, it works with the most major currency pairs as well as commodities.
DepthHouse - Relative Momentum Range CandlesticksDepthHouse Relative Momentum & Range Candlesticks is a candlestick indicator based off of my previously released RMRO Oscillator.
DepthHouse Relative Momentum Range Candlesticks uses several calculations between the relative momentum and range to help determine trend direction and strength.
Candlestick meanings:
Green : Bullish trend
Blue (default is lime): Bullish trend weakening / possible consolidation
Red: Bearish trend
Salmon (default is orange): Bearish trend weakening / possible consolidation
White : Uncertain
How to get:
As you can see this is an invite only script. In the coming month this indicator, along with many others will become pay to use only. (website on my profile page)
However all my indicators will be FREE until May 1, 2018 . So please try them out!
T o take advantage of this FREE trial:
1. Leave comment on this indicator post! Maybe even give me a follow :D
2. Check out and take advantage of all my other indicators!
Here is the link to the DepthHouse RMRO Oscillator:
Please Note: There are NOT trading signals. Each colored candle represents nothing other than a possibility of which way the trend may go. Be sure to use your own adequate analysis. Use at your own financial risk.
DepthHouse Relative Momentum Range OscillatorDepthHouse Relative Momentum Range Oscillator uses several calculations between the relative momentum and range to help determine trend direction and strength.
Breakouts above the adjustable horizontal zone often serve as a bullish confirmation, while breakout below the horizontal zone often serve as a bearish confirmation.
Crosses of gold and yellow signal line represent trend consolidation and/or possible reversal zones.
How to get:
As you can see this is an invite only script. In the coming month this indicator, along with many others will become pay to use only. (website on my profile page)
However all my indicators will be FREE until May 1, 2018 . So please try them out!
To take advantage of this FREE trial :
1. Leave comment on this indicator post! Maybe even give me a follow :D
2. Check out and take advantage of all my other indicators!
I hope you all enjoy!
Signals Beta:
Both functions give possible buy and sell signals shown by the circles in the middle. The strength of the signal is shown by the circle size. The larger the circle, the stronger the signal.
This feature is in beta testing is not advised to trade off of.
Altering the Multi-Factor will adjust the dotted signals at the bottom.
This is a heavily modified version of my DepthHouse Envelope Oscillator
Range Action Verification Index (RAVI)Range Action Verification Index (RAVI) indicator script. This indicator was originally developed by Tushar Chande (see his book "Beyond Technical Analysis: How to Develop and Implement a Winning Trading System").
OmenImproved momentum-based trading algorithm based on my previous Merlin V6 script. Adjusted trade filtering rules to improve net return and profit factor on both long and short positions.
Works best with mid time-frame Heikin-Ashi data.