ChikouLibrary "Chikou"
This library contains Chikou Filter function to enhances functionality of Chikou-Span from Ichimoku Cloud using a simple trend filter.
Chikou is basically close value of ticker offset to close and it is a good for indicating if close value has crossed potential Support/Resistance zone from past. Chikou is usually used with 26 period.
Chikou filter uses a lookback length calculated from provided lookback percentage and checks if trend was bullish or bearish within that lookback period.
Bullish : Trend is bullish if Chikou span is above high values of all candles within defined lookback period. Bull color shows bullish trend .
Bearish : Trend is bearish if Chikou span is below low values of all candles within defined lookback period. This is indicated by Bearish color.
Reversal / Choppiness : Reversal color indicates that Chikou are swinging around candles within defined lookback period which is an indication of consolidation or trend reversal.
chikou(src, len, perc, _high, _low, bull_col, bear_col, r_col) Chikou Filter for Ichimoku Cloud with Color and Signal Output
src : Price Source (better to use (OHLC4+high+low/3 instead of default close value)
len : Chikou Legth (displaced source value)
perc : Percentage lookback period for Chikou Filter with defined how much candels of total length should be considered for backward filteration
_high : Ticker High Value
_low : Ticker Low Value
bull_col : Color to be returned if source value is greater than all candels within provided lookback percentage.
bear_col : Color to be returned if source value is lower than all candels within provided lookback percentage.
r_col : Color to be returned if source value is swinging around candles within defined lookback period which is an indication of consolidation or trend reversal.
Returns: Color based on trend. 'bull_col' if trend is bullish, 'bear_col' if trend is bearish. 'r_col' if no prominent trend. Integer Signal is also returned as 1 for Bullish, -1 for Bearish and 0 for no prominent trend.
eStrategyLibrary "eStrategy"
Library contains methods which can help build custom strategy for continuous investment plans and also compare it with systematic buy and hold.
sip(startYear, initialDeposit, depositFrequency, recurringDeposit, buyPrice) Depicts systematic buy and hold over period of time
startYear : Year on which SIP is started
initialDeposit : Initial one time investment at the start
depositFrequency : Frequency of recurring deposit - can be monthly or weekly
recurringDeposit : Recurring deposit amount
buyPrice : Indicatinve buy price. Use high to be conservative. low, close, open, hl2, hlc3, ohlc4, hlcc4 are other options.
Returns: totalInvestment - initial + recurring deposits
totalQty - Quantity of units held for given instrument
totalEquity - Present equity
customStrategy(startYear, initialDeposit, depositFrequency, recurringDeposit, buyPrice, sellPrice, initialInvestmentPercent, recurringInvestmentPercent, signal, tradePercent) Allows users to define custom strategy and enhance systematic buy and hold by adding take profit and reloads
startYear : Year on which SIP is started
initialDeposit : Initial one time investment at the start
depositFrequency : Frequency of recurring deposit - can be monthly or weekly
recurringDeposit : Recurring deposit amount
buyPrice : Indicatinve buy price. Use high to be conservative. low, close, open, hl2, hlc3, ohlc4, hlcc4 are other options.
sellPrice : Indicatinve sell price. Use low to be conservative. high, close, open, hl2, hlc3, ohlc4, hlcc4 are other options.
initialInvestmentPercent : percent of amount to invest from the initial depost. Keep rest of them as cash
recurringInvestmentPercent : percent of amount to invest from recurring deposit. Keep rest of them as cash
signal : can be 1, -1 or 0. 1 means buy/reload. -1 means take profit and 0 means neither.
tradePercent : percent of amount to trade when signal is not 0. If taking profit, it will sell the percent from existing position. If reloading, it will buy with percent from cash reserve
Returns: totalInvestment - initial + recurring deposits
totalQty - Quantity of units held for given instrument
totalCash = Amount of cash held
totalEquity - Overall equity = totalQty*close + totalCash
BjCandlePatternsLibrary "BjCandlePatterns"
Patterns is a Japanese candlestick pattern recognition Library for developers. Functions here within detect viable setups in a variety of popular patterns. Please note some patterns are without filters such as comparisons to average candle sizing, or trend detection to allow the author more freedom.
doji(dojiSize, dojiWickSize) Detects "Doji" candle patterns
dojiSize : (float) The relationship of body to candle size (ie. body is 5% of total candle size). Default is 5.0 (5%)
dojiWickSize : (float) Maximum wick size comparative to the opposite wick. (eg. 2 = bottom wick must be less than or equal to 2x the top wick). Default is 2
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
dLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Doji" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
bullEngulf(maxRejectWick, mustEngulfWick) Detects "Bullish Engulfing" candle patterns
maxRejectWick : (float) Maximum rejection wick size.
The maximum wick size as a percentge of body size allowable for a top wick on the resolution candle of the pattern. 0.0 disables the filter.
eg. 50 allows a top wick half the size of the body. Default is 0% (Disables wick detection).
mustEngulfWick : (bool) input to only detect setups that close above the high prior effectively engulfing the candle in its entirety. Default is false
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
bewLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Bullish Engulfing" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
bearEngulf(maxRejectWick, mustEngulfWick) Detects "Bearish Engulfing" candle patterns
maxRejectWick : (float) Maximum rejection wick size.
The maximum wick size as a percentge of body size allowable for a bottom wick on the resolution candle of the pattern. 0.0 disables the filter.
eg. 50 allows a botom wick half the size of the body. Default is 0% (Disables wick detection).
mustEngulfWick : (bool) Input to only detect setups that close below the low prior effectively engulfing the candle in its entirety. Default is false
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
bebLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Bearish Engulfing" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
hammer(ratio, shadowPercent) Detects "Hammer" candle patterns
ratio : (float) The relationship of body to candle size (ie. body is 33% of total candle size). Default is 33%.
shadowPercent : (float) The maximum allowable top wick size as a percentage of body size. Default is 5%.
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
hLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Hammer" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
star(ratio, shadowPercent) Detects "Star" candle patterns
ratio : (float) The relationship of body to candle size (ie. body is 33% of total candle size). Default is 33%.
shadowPercent : (float) The maximum allowable bottom wick size as a percentage of body size. Default is 5%.
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
ssLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Star" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
dragonflyDoji() Detects "Dragonfly Doji" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
ddLab(showLabel, labelColor) Produces "Dragonfly Doji" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
gravestoneDoji() Detects "Gravestone Doji" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
gdLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Gravestone Doji" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
tweezerBottom(closeUpperHalf) Detects "Tweezer Bottom" candle patterns
closeUpperHalf : (bool) input to only detect setups that close above the mid-point of the candle prior increasing its bullish tendancy. Default is false
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
tbLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Tweezer Bottom" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
tweezerTop(closeLowerHalf) Detects "TweezerTop" candle patterns
closeLowerHalf : (bool) input to only detect setups that close below the mid-point of the candle prior increasing its bearish tendancy. Default is false
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
ttLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "TweezerTop" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
spinningTopBull(wickSize) Detects "Bullish Spinning Top" candle patterns
wickSize : (float) input to adjust detection of the size of the top wick/ bottom wick as a percent of total candle size. Default is 34%, which ensures the wicks are both larger than the body.
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
stwLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Bullish Spinning Top" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
spinningTopBear(wickSize) Detects "Bearish Spinning Top" candle patterns
wickSize : (float) input to adjust detection of the size of the top wick/ bottom wick as a percent of total candle size. Default is 34%, which ensures the wicks are both larger than the body.
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
stbLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Bearish Spinning Top" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
spinningTop(wickSize) Detects "Spinning Top" candle patterns
wickSize : (float) input to adjust detection of the size of the top wick/ bottom wick as a percent of total candle size. Default is 34%, which ensures the wicks are both larger than the body.
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
stLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Spinning Top" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
morningStar() Detects "Bullish Morning Star" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
msLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Bullish Morning Star" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
eveningStar() Detects "Bearish Evening Star" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
esLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Bearish Evening Star" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
haramiBull() Detects "Bullish Harami" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
hwLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Bullish Harami" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
haramiBear() Detects "Bearish Harami" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
hbLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Bearish Harami" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
haramiBullCross() Detects "Bullish Harami Cross" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
hcwLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Bullish Harami Cross" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
haramiBearCross() Detects "Bearish Harami Cross" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
hcbLab(showLabel, labelColor) Produces "Bearish Harami Cross" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
marubullzu() Detects "Bullish Marubozu" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
mwLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Bullish Marubozu" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
marubearzu() Detects "Bearish Marubozu" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
mbLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Bearish Marubozu" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
abandonedBull() Detects "Bullish Abandoned Baby" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
abwLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Bullish Abandoned Baby" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
abandonedBear() Detects "Bearish Abandoned Baby" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
abbLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Bearish Abandoned Baby" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
piercing() Detects "Piercing" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
pLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Piercing" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
darkCloudCover() Detects "Dark Cloud Cover" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
dccLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Dark Cloud Cover" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
tasukiBull() Detects "Upside Tasuki Gap" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
utgLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Upside Tasuki Gap" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
tasukiBear() Detects "Downside Tasuki Gap" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
dtgLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Downside Tasuki Gap" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
risingThree() Detects "Rising Three Methods" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
rtmLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Rising Three Methods" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
fallingThree() Detects "Falling Three Methods" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
ftmLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Falling Three Methods" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
risingWindow() Detects "Rising Window" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
rwLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Rising Window" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
fallingWindow() Detects "Falling Window" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
fwLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Falling Window" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
kickingBull() Detects "Bullish Kicking" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
kwLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Bullish Kicking" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
kickingBear() Detects "Bearish Kicking" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
kbLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Bearish Kicking" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
lls(ratio) Detects "Long Lower Shadow" candle patterns
ratio : (float) A relationship of the lower wick to the overall candle size expressed as a percent. Default is 75%
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
llsLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Long Lower Shadow" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
lus(ratio) Detects "Long Upper Shadow" candle patterns
ratio : (float) A relationship of the upper wick to the overall candle size expressed as a percent. Default is 75%
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
lusLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Long Upper Shadow" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
bullNeck() Detects "Bullish On Neck" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
nwLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Bullish On Neck" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
bearNeck() Detects "Bearish On Neck" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
nbLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Bearish On Neck" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
soldiers(wickSize) Detects "Three White Soldiers" candle patterns
wickSize : (float) Maximum allowable top wick size throughout pattern expressed as a percent of total candle height. Default is 5%
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
wsLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Three White Soldiers" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
crows(wickSize) Detects "Three Black Crows" candle patterns
wickSize : (float) Maximum allowable bottom wick size throughout pattern expressed as a percent of total candle height. Default is 5%
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
bcLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Three Black Crows" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
triStarBull() Detects "Bullish Tri-Star" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
tswLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Bullish Tri-Star" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
triStarBear() Detects "Bearish Tri-Star" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
tsbLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Bearish Tri-Star" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
wrap(cond, barsBack, borderColor, bgcolor) Produces a box wrapping the highs and lows over the look back.
cond : (series bool) Condition under which to draw the box.
barsBack : (series int) the number of bars back to begin drawing the box.
borderColor : (series color) Color of the four borders. Optional. The default is color.gray.
bgcolor : (series color) Background color of the box. Optional. The default is color.gray.
Returns: (series box) A box who's top and bottom are above and below the highest and lowest points over the lookback
topWick() returns the top wick size of the current candle
Returns: (series float) A value equivelent to the distance from the top of the candle body to its high
bottomWick() returns the bottom wick size of the current candle
Returns: (series float) A value equivelent to the distance from the bottom of the candle body to its low
body() returns the body size of the current candle
Returns: (series float) A value equivelent to the distance between the top and the bottom of the candle body
highestBody() returns the highest body of the current candle
Returns: (series float) A value equivelent to the highest body, whether it is the open or the close
lowestBody() returns the lowest body of the current candle
Returns: (series float) A value equivelent to the highest body, whether it is the open or the close
barRange() returns the height of the current candle
Returns: (series float) A value equivelent to the distance between the high and the low of the candle
bodyPct() returns the body size as a percent
Returns: (series float) A value equivelent to the percentage of body size to the overall candle size
midBody() returns the price of the mid-point of the candle body
Returns: (series float) A value equivelent to the center point of the distance bewteen the body low and the body high
bodyupGap() returns true if there is a gap up between the real body of the current candle in relation to the candle prior
Returns: (series bool) true if there is a gap up and no overlap in the real bodies of the current candle and the preceding candle
bodydwnGap() returns true if there is a gap down between the real body of the current candle in relation to the candle prior
Returns: (series bool) true if there is a gap down and no overlap in the real bodies of the current candle and the preceding candle
gapUp() returns true if there is a gap down between the real body of the current candle in relation to the candle prior
Returns: (series bool) true if there is a gap down and no overlap in the real bodies of the current candle and the preceding candle
gapDwn() returns true if there is a gap down between the real body of the current candle in relation to the candle prior
Returns: (series bool) true if there is a gap down and no overlap in the real bodies of the current candle and the preceding candle
dojiBody() returns true if the candle body is a doji
Returns: (series bool) true if the candle body is a doji. Defined by a body that is 5% of total candle size
StocksDeveloper_AutoTraderWebLibrary "StocksDeveloper_AutoTraderWeb"
AutoTrader Web trading API functions implementation for Trading View.
preparePlaceOrderJson(account, symbol, group, variety) Prepare a place order json
account : Pseudo or group account number
symbol : AutoTrader Web's stock/derivative symbol
group : Set it to true to use group account (Default: false)
variety : Variety (Default: REGULAR)
Returns: A json message for the given order data
preparePlaceOrderAlertUsingOrderJson(orderJsonArray) Prepare a place order alert message using order json array
orderJsonArray : Order json can contain one or more orders
Returns: A complete alert message to place orders
preparePlaceOrderAlertMessage(account, symbol, group, variety, validity) Prepare a place order alert json message
account : Pseudo or group account number
symbol : AutoTrader Web's stock/derivative symbol
group : Set it to true to use group account (Default: false)
variety : Variety (Default: REGULAR)
validity : Validity (Default: DAY)
Returns: A complete alert message to place orders
Woodwind VaultLibrary "WoodwindVault"
Woodwind Vault provides reusable functions to support Thange Woodwind Playbook execution.
getHighestHighAndLowestLow(period) determines the highest-high and lowest-low for the specified time interval.
period : int, the time interval for finding the highest-high and lowest-low.
Returns: float, the highest-high and lowest-low of the candles in the specified period.
findEquilibrium() projects a one glance view of the entire resistance net faced by the price. It does so by computing different equilibrium points for the price.
Returns: longTermEquilibriumB float, the midpoint of highest-high and lowest-low of the candles in last longTermPeriod.
getGlance(fast, slow) glances over the 2 equilibrium points from moving averages and establishes whether its bullish or bearish.
fast : float, the fast moving point.
slow : float, the slow moving point.
Returns: string, it is "bullish" if fast moving point is over the slow moving point o/w returns "bearish".
positionRelativeToLevel(point, level) determines first point's position w.r.t a specified level.
point : float, the first point (typically a fast moving average).
level : float, the second point acting as a level (typically a slow moving average).
Returns: string, the above/below/at position w.r.t level.
positionRelativeToRange(point, fromLevel, toLevel) determines first point's position w.r.t a range (typically a resistance band).
point : float, the first point.
fromLevel : float, the from-range which is typically a fast moving line.
toLevel : float, the to-range which is typically a slow moving line.
Returns: string, the above/below/within range.
The Divergent LibraryLibrary "TheDivergentLibrary"
The Divergent Library is only useful when combined with the Pro version of The Divergent - Advanced divergence indicator . This is because the Basic (free) version of The Divergent does not expose the "Divergence Signal" value.
Usage instructions:
1. Create a new chart
2. Add The Divergent (Pro) indicator to your chart
3. Create a new strategy, import this library, add a "source" input, link it to "The Divergent: Divergence Signal", and use the library to decode the divergence signals from The Divergent (You can find example strategy code published in our profile)
4. Act on the divergences signalled by The Divergent
isRegularBullishEnabled(context) Returns a boolean value indicating whether Regular Bullish divergence detection is enabled in The Divergent.
context : The context of The Divergent Library.
Returns: A boolean value indicating whether Regular Bullish divergence detection is enabled in The Divergent.
isHiddenBullishEnabled(context) Returns a boolean value indicating whether Hidden Bullish divergence detection is enabled in The Divergent.
context : The context of The Divergent Library.
Returns: A boolean value indicating whether Hidden Bullish divergence detection is enabled in The Divergent.
isRegularBearishEnabled(context) Returns a boolean value indicating whether Regular Bearish divergence detection is enabled in The Divergent.
context : The context of The Divergent Library.
Returns: A boolean value indicating whether Regular Bearish divergence detection is enabled in The Divergent.
isHiddenBearishEnabled(context) Returns a boolean value indicating whether Hidden Bearish divergence detection is enabled in The Divergent.
context : The context of The Divergent Library.
Returns: A boolean value indicating whether Hidden Bearish divergence detection is enabled in The Divergent.
getPivotDetectionSource(context) Returns the 'Pivot Detection Source' setting of The Divergent. The returned value can be either "Oscillator" or "Price".
context : The context of The Divergent Library.
Returns: One of the following string values: "Oscillator" or "Price".
getPivotDetectionMode(context) Returns the 'Pivot Detection Mode' setting of The Divergent. The returned value can be either "Bodies" or "Wicks".
context : The context of The Divergent Library.
Returns: One of the following string values: "Bodies" or "Wicks".
isLinked(context) Returns a boolean value indicating the link status to The Divergent indicator.
context : The context of The Divergent Library.
Returns: A boolean value indicating the link status to The Divergent indicator.
init(firstBarSignal, displayLinkStatus, debug) Initialises The Divergent Library's context with the signal produced by The Divergent on the first bar. The value returned from this function is called the "context of The Divergent Library". Some of the other functions of this library requires you to pass in this context.
firstBarSignal : The signal from The Divergent indicator on the first bar.
displayLinkStatus : A boolean value indicating whether the Link Status window should be displayed in the bottom left corner of the chart. Defaults to true.
debug : A boolean value indicating whether the Link Status window should display debug information. Defaults to false.
Returns: A bool array containing the context of The Divergent Library.
processSignal(signal) Processes a signal from The Divergent and returns a 5-tuple with the decoded signal: [ int divergenceType, int priceBarIndexStart, int priceBarIndexEnd, int oscillatorBarIndexStart, int oscillatorBarIndexEnd]. `divergenceType` can be one of the following values: na → No divergence was detected, 1 → Regular Bullish, 2 → Regular Bullish early, 3 → Hidden Bullish, 4 → Hidden Bullish early, 5 → Regular Bearish, 6 → Regular Bearish early, 7 → Hidden Bearish, 8 → Hidden Bearish early.
signal : The signal from The Divergent indicator.
Returns: A 5-tuple with the following values: [ int divergenceType, int priceBarIndexStart, int priceBarIndexEnd, int oscillatorBarIndexStart, int oscillatorBarIndexEnd].
TradingPortfolioLibrary "TradingPortfolio"
Simple functions for portfolio management. A portfolio is essentially
a float array with 3 positions that gets passed around
into these functions that ensure it gets properly updated as trading ensues.
An example usage:
import hugodanielcom/TradingPortfolio/XXXX as portfolio
var float my_portfolio = portfolio.init(0.0, strategy.initial_capital) // Initialize the portfolio with the strategy capital
if close < 10.0, 10.0, close) // Buy when the close is below 10.0
plot(, title = "Total portfolio value")
get_balance(portfolio) Gets the number of tokens and fiat available in the supplied portfolio.
portfolio : A portfolio float array as created by the `init()` function.
Returns: The tokens and fiat in a tuple
set_balance(portfolio, new_crypto, new_fiat) Sets the portfolio number of tokens and fiat amounts. This function overrides the current values in the portfolio and sets the provided ones as the new portfolio.
portfolio : A portfolio float array as created by the `init()` function.
new_crypto : The new amount of tokens in the portfolio.
new_fiat : The new amount of fiat in the portfolio
Returns: The tokens and fiat in a tuple
init(crypto, fiat) This function returns a clean portfolio. Start by calling this function and pass its return value as an argument to the other functions in this library.
crypto : The initial amount of tokens in the portfolio (defaults to 0.0).
fiat : The initial amount of fiat in the portfolio (defaults to 0.0).
Returns: The portfolio (a float )
crypto(portfolio) Gets the number of tokens in the portfolio
portfolio : A portfolio float array as created by the `init()` function.
Returns: The amount of tokens in the portfolio
fiat(portfolio) Gets the fiat in the portfolio
portfolio : A portfolio float array as created by the `init()` function.
Returns: The amount of fiat in the portfolio
retained(portfolio) Gets the amount of reatined fiat in the portfolio. Retained fiat is not considered as part of the balance when buying/selling, but it is considered as part of the total of the portfolio.
portfolio : A portfolio float array as created by the `init()` function.
Returns: The amount of retained fiat in the portfolio
retain(portfolio, fiat_to_retain) Sets the amount of fiat to retain. It removes the amount from the current fiat in the portfolio and marks it as retained.
portfolio : A portfolio float array as created by the `init()` function.
fiat_to_retain : The amount of fiat to remove and mark as retained.
Returns: void
total(portfolio, token_value) Calculates the total fiat value of the portfolio. It multiplies the amount of tokens by the supplied value and adds to the result the current fiat and retained amount.
portfolio : A portfolio float array as created by the `init()` function.
token_value : The fiat value of a unit (1) of token
Returns: A float that corresponds to the total fiat value of the portfolio (retained amount included)
ratio(portfolio, token_value) Calculates the ratio of tokens / fiat. The retained amount of fiat is not considered, only the active fiat being considered for trading.
portfolio : A portfolio float array as created by the `init()` function.
token_value : The fiat value of a unit (1) of token
Returns: A float between 1.0 and 0.0 that corresponds to the portfolio ratio of token / fiat (i.e. 0.6 corresponds to a portfolio whose value is made by 60% tokens and 40% fiat)
can_buy(portfolio, amount, token_value) Asserts that there is enough balance to buy the requested amount of tokens.
portfolio : A portfolio float array as created by the `init()` function.
amount : The amount of tokens to assert that can be bought
token_value : The fiat value of a unit (1) of token
Returns: A boolean value, true if there is capacity to buy the amount of tokens provided.
can_sell(portfolio, amount) Asserts that there is enough token balance to sell the requested amount of tokens.
portfolio : A portfolio float array as created by the `init()` function.
amount : The amount of tokens to assert that can be sold
Returns: A boolean value, true if there is capacity to sold the amount of tokens provided.
buy(portfolio, amount, token_value) Adjusts the portfolio state to perform the equivalent of a buy operation (as in, buy the requested amount of tokens at the provided value and set the portfolio accordingly).
portfolio : A portfolio float array as created by the `init()` function.
amount : The amount of tokens to buy
token_value : The fiat value of a unit (1) of token
Returns: A boolean value, true the requested amount of tokens was "bought" and the portfolio updated. False if nothing was changed.
sell(portfolio, amount, token_value) Adjusts the portfolio state to perform the equivalent of a sell operation (as in, sell the requested amount of tokens at the provided value and set the portfolio accordingly).
portfolio : A portfolio float array as created by the `init()` function.
amount : The amount of tokens to sell
token_value : The fiat value of a unit (1) of token
Returns: A boolean value, true the requested amount of tokens was "sold" and the portfolio updated. False if nothing was changed.
StringtoNumberThis library is used to convert Text type numbers are numbers.
Library "StringtoNumber"
str1 = '12340' , vv = numstrToNum(str1)
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
// © hapharmonic
indicator("My Script")
import hapharmonic/StringtoNumber/1 as CV
TF = '240'
GETTF = CV.numstrToNum(TF)
L =, high, '|| numstrToNum :>> || ' + str.tostring(GETTF), style=label.style_label_down,size=size.large)
label.delete(L )
PureRebalanceLibrary "PureRebalance"
A rebalance function that is pure.
Depends only on its arguments to perform the necessary calculations.
rebalance(token_price, portfolio_token_amount, portfolio_fiat_amount, rebalance_ratio) Rebalances a portfolio made of tokens and fiat to a given ratio of tokens per fiat
token_price : The value of a single unit (1) token
portfolio_token_amount : The number of tokens in the portfolio
portfolio_fiat_amount : Fiat available in the portfolio
rebalance_ratio : The ratio of token value / fiat that the portfolio should have after the rebalance (0.5 is used if no argument is supplied).
Returns: The number of tokens to buy or sell in order to achieve the desired portfolio ratio passed as argument (a positive value is returned if the tokens are to be bought, and negative value if the tokens are to be sold).
MHCustomSpotTradingLibraryLibrary "MHCustomSpotTradingLibrary"
HMA(float, float)
float : _src price data
float : _length Period
Returns: Hull Moving Average
EHMA(float, float)
float : _src price data
float : _length Period
Returns: EHMA Moving Average
THMA(float, float)
float : _src price data
float : _length Period
Returns: THMA Moving Average
HullMode(string, float, float)
string : modeSwitch Hull type
float : _src price data
float : _length Period
Returns: A Moving Average
start_Dates(int, int, int)
int : year
int : month
int : day
Returns: Start Date
stop_Dates(int, int, int)
int : year
int : month
int : day
Returns: Stop Date
f_print(string, int, int)
string : _text
int : col
int : row
Returns: Nothing
GenericTradingLibrary "GenericTrading"
This library aims to collect rare but useful operations for
get_most_recent_long_or_short_position_closed_index() : returns most recent long/short closed bar index.
get_most_recent_long_or_short_position_open_index() : returns most recent long/short closed bar index.
These two functions designed to help to speed up the coding for strategies that contains "re-enter" logic.
These two functions also could applies in the situations where time-count is needed in your condition.
Bjorgum MTF MAScope:
Up to 3 MA's can be applied at the users discretion
Choose between 10 different average types including favorites from the Bjorgum series from HEMA to Reversal T3's
Each MA can be independently set
Go Multi-timeframe! Any MA can be set to any timeframe of reference you choose (ex. using 3 different timeframes of higher resolution to your chart reference to establish a multi-time frame trend)
RSI HEATMAP. Use the bar color or the MA color selection toggle to set your color to reference RSI on a gradient. This helps to establish clear visual reference to momentum on top of trend analysis
Assigning RSI bar color to an MA of a higher time frame can allow you to see visual reference of momentum of the greater trend that may be at play.
Example: trying to get short on a 15min while your 1hr and 4hr RSI Heatmap burns deep in oversold.
RSI color can be assigned to the bar color, the MA (1,2 or 3), or both. Alternatively, bar color can be assigned to a more simple rising/ falling MA color and price above/ below the MA for bar color.
The Idea
The original inspiration behind the script came from an observation of a constant struggle of Pinecoders of both youth or experience to find accurate multi-timeframe indicators that do not repaint, and appear as should on historical bars, while performing reliably in real time. I encourage you to scroll the Pinecoders FAQ on a recent piece explaining the difficulties and caveats of different approaches, but I would like to reference the elimination of the historical bar offset for THIS purpose. MA's are based on closing prices, that is to say they are confirmed and will not change once the bar has closed. There is no need to offset these for historical reference. The purpose of the historical offset is best exemplified, for example, with an intraday strategy involving daily breakouts. Let's entertain going long on a break to a new daily high. We would not know that in real time so we need to reference the previous bars close for BACKTESTING purposes, otherwise we get "lookahead bias". There is no shortage of strategies unintentionally employing this bias out there (I'm sure you have come across them with their unrealistic results).
There is no worry of repainting with the MTF security function included within this script, nor will it offset for something involving lookahead bias. I encourage those that are playing with the code or perhaps writing strategies of their own to borrow the functions within. There is also a function that will return the 10 MA variable selection - yours to keep.
With all that in mind, I wanted a practical script that is easily deployable in everyday trading for the average trader that gives the user a firm grip on their trading steering wheel equipped with the feel of the road. Incorporating several MA's of differing times with the RSI heatmap gives a good visual reference and feel to your trading environment, while offering a level of customization that will fit an individuals personal trading style. The RSI heatmap gradient is per percentage between 30 and 70 and your 2 colors - anything outside of those levels gives you the vibrant bias color
Below I walk through 2 examples of live trades scenarios I made using the mindset the script offers.
The Trade
Timeframe: 4hr chart
- 3 Tilson MA's of varying length are deployed at varying intraday time frames
- A bullish pattern in an uptrend offers a possible trade allowing entry from a low risk point from the pattern low
- See the chart for notes and observations using the script
- Notice how the heatmap brightens up as price extends far away from the averages - your risk has elevated for a new position
- Notice the heatmap cool off while price action consolidates sideways
The Trade
Timeframe: 4hr chart
- 3 EMAs are employed - same length (50), with 3 successive timeframe resolutions
- A downtrend is formed with a sharp move to stack the EMAs into layers
- A pull back opportunity presents itself in bearish consolidation
- Notice a Doji star at resistance establishing a swing high as RSI cools off into the EMA dynamic resistance for entry
- An '"equal legs" measured move can be used for a trade target with a stop out above the swing high.
- Again, take note of distance from EMA's, the heatmap in combination with trend development surrounding the MA's
These were just two ideas to show you an example of how to implement some strategy into your trading and to get some interesting use from the indicator. Hope you enjoyed the read and happy trading.
Three moving average strategies
If the short term (Default 7) moving average cuts the medium term (default 25) moving average, BUY. Conversely, it generates the SELL signal. If the long term (Default 99) moving average cuts its short term moving average, Quick SELL. Conversely, it can be interpreted as Fast SELL. You can change the moving average and the number of days as you wish, and you can trade in the short or long term. I hope it was useful.
Hullk Autobot
• Long entry positions
• Profit targets
• Stop loss targets
The Fast Signal Line is an extremely fast and smooth moving average indicator, designed to eliminate
the lag typically associated with traditional moving average indicators.
When the price is trending upward the Fast Signal Line is colored light grey then turns orange when
price is trending downward.
How to Trade
It is good practice to assess multiple timeframes to ensure you are mindful of the larger picture. The
15 minute and 4-hour charts are worthy of note.
In addition to displaying the current macro trend, the Fast Signal Line can also be used for judging
entries and exits from trades.
Aggressive traders may choose to trade based on the first touch of the Fast Signal Line whereas
conservative traders may wait for the signal line to be broken and established as a line of support or
resistance before taking action.
Indicator Configuration
The Fast Signal Line’s display and colors can be changed by modifying the ‘Fast Signal’ options in
the indicator’s style settings;
Volume Line
The Volume Line uses short-term historic volume data to determine the balance between demand
and supply.
When volume is supporting price the Volume Line is colored yellow then turns red when the volume is
rejecting the price.
How to Trade
While the Volume Line can indicate support and resistance levels, it is best used to confirm bias
when using the Fast Trend Line indicator to enter or exit trades and can also be used by traders for
stop-loss or take profit entries.
Indicator Configuration
The Volume Line’s display and colors can be changed by modifying the ‘Volume’ options in the
indicator’s style settings;
Trend Line
The Trend Line is a Weighted Moving Average indicator based on a fixed period and is used to
identify the current trend of the market.
When supporting the price, the Trend Line is colored green then turns red when rejecting the price.
How to Trade
Timeframes of 4H and above are best used to determine the current trends, while shorter timeframes
can be used for entering and exiting trades when the trendline is turning in the relevant direction.
Indicator Configuration
The Trend Line’s display and colors can be changed by modifying the ‘Volume’ options in the
indicator’s style settings;
Whales Volume Line
The Whales Volume Line uses long-term historic volume data to determine the balance between
demand and supply dictated by large/institutional traders in the market.
When volume is supporting price the Volume Line is colored yellow then turns red when the volume is
rejecting the price.
How to Trade
While the Whale Volume Line can indicate support and resistance levels, it is best used to confirm
bias when using the Fast Trend Line indicator to enter or exit trades and can also be used by traders
for stop loss or take profit entries.
Indicator Configuration
The Whales Volume Line’s display and colors can be changed by modifying the ‘Whales Volume’
options in the indicator’s style settings;
Trendline Direction Line
The Direction Line is a Weighted Moving Average indicator based on a longer period than the Trend
Line and is used to identify the current direction of the market.
The Direction Line indicator is colored purple when the market direction is up trending and red when
How to Trade
Timeframes of 4H and above are best used to determine current trend, while shorter timeframes
can be used for entering and exiting trades when the trendline is turning in the relevant direction.
Indicator Configuration
The Trendline Direction’s display and colors can be changed by modifying the ‘Trendline Direction’
options in the indicator’s style settings;
Channel Line
The Channel Line is a Least Squares Moving Average indicator based on a fixed period and is used as
a crossover signal to identify bullish or bearish trends ahead of traditional simple or exponential
moving averages.
The Channel Line indicator is colored cyan when the market direction is up trending and red when
How to Trade
When the Channel Line changes to an uptrend along with a recovery in price, traders can use this as a
signal to enter a long position. If the signal changes to a downtrend along with a fall in price, traders
can use this to enter a short position.
Indicator Configuration
The Channel Line’s display and colors can be changed by modifying the ‘Channel’ options in the
indicator’s style settings;
Dip & Pop Signals
Dip and Pop signals occur when the price is likely to make a counter-trend movement before continuing
its direction.
In a bullish trend, a Dip signal suggests that price will move down to test support before continuing,
whereas a Pop signal suggests that price will move up. In a bearish trend, a Pop signal suggests that
price will move up to test resistance before continuing, whereas a Dip signal would suggest price is
likely to continue the trend.
How to Trade
Dip and Pop signals should be used as notification for preparation rather than a call to action as the price
can move unpredictably during volatility.
Indicator Configuration
The Dip & Pop’s display and colors can be changed by modifying the ‘PoP’ & ‘DIP’ options in the
indicator’s style settings;
Entry & Exit Signals
Entry and Exit Signals are indications of when to open and close trades but should be used in
conjunction with other indicators to interpret their meaning.
How to Trade
While Entry and Exit signals can be interpreted as simple long and short entries, their meaning does
change based on trend circumstance. An Entry signal is typically printed price is starting to see a
positive reaction after a drop.
When the Fast Signal, Trend, and Trend Direction lines are indicating an upward trend an Entry signal
signifies a good place to enter a long or exit a short position. However, if the lines are not suggesting
an upward trend then a long signal indicates that any long order should be exited as any new long
orders in this scenario are risky as you would be opening a position at resistance.
Likewise, when indicator lines are indicating a downward trend and an Exit signal is received this
signifies a good place to enter a short or exit a long position. However, if the signal is against the
trendlines then this is a riskier short into support.
Indicator Configuration
The Entry & Exit’s display and colors can be changed by modifying the ‘Entry’ & ‘Exit’ options in the
indicator’s style settings;
If you have any questions or are looking for access please send me a private message.
Thx for your time and support
DMT 369 DRAGRONFLY StudyDragonfly Study version plus statistics panel
Successful traders trade with a fixed plan and without emotion, but this a lot harder than many new traders think. Many never master this skill and suffer continual drawdowns on their accounts as they overtrade high leverage positions in volatile markets.
ĐΜŦ Autobot resolves this issue by taking the human element out of the equation, allowing full automation of trades using TradingView alerts to trigger your favourite trading bot, such as Alertatron or 3Commas.
Being a Trend Reversal Indicator based on Volatility & Average True Range , ĐΜŦ Autobot is designed to identify spots in the market that offer suitable scalp and swing trade opportunities.
Due to popular demand we have expanded our ĐΜŦ Autobot product line to include the new ĐΜŦ Autobot Dragonfly 3-6-9 Edition which combines DMT with 3-6-9 Vortex mathematics, our Titan indicator and a multi-ladder scalping strategy to ensure you maintain a preferable average entry when price action moves against your position.
Indicator View
It its default state the DMT Autobot Dragonfly indicator displays key signal information, such as:
• Support & resistance range lines
• Titan Body Small & Large Time Frame lines
• Long & Short entry positions
• Long & Short position ladders
• Profit targets
Dragonfly displays a range between resistance (upper line) and support (lower line) on the chart.
Once the price is granted support in the range the lower line will turn green. As price action develops it will make repeated attempts to test support. If support holds price will attempt to test the resistance line (red).
When resistance is broken and the price is above the upper line, the line will turn blue confirming the bullish momentum and provide a potential buy opportunity.
Price action will make attempts to test the upper line as support and will keep rising while support is granted.
Once support is lost the upper line will become red once more. As price action develops it will make repeated attempts to test resistance. If resistance holds, the price will attempt to test the support line (green).
When support is broken and the price goes below the lower line, the line will turn red confirming the bearish momentum and provide a potential selling opportunity.
Price action will make attempts to test the lower line as resistance and will keep dropping while resistance is granted.
Titan Body
The Titan Body Small & Large time frame options in the indicator add additional trendlines to the chart to provide further clarity and confirmation to the Support & Resistance range indication.
Once price is granted support by the Small Time Frame trend line the line will turn green. As price action develops it will make repeated attempts to test the Small Time Frame support. Once the price is below the Small Time Frame trend line , the line will turn red and can act as resistance in a trend reversal.
When price is granted support by the Large Time Frame trend line the line will turn cyan. As price action develops it will make repeated attempts to test the Large Time Frame support. Once the price is below the Large Time Frame trend line , the line will turn orange and can act as resistance in a trend reversal.
The Titan Body enabled and customized in the indicator’s style settings,
Alert indicators
DMT Autobot Dragonfly Edition generates signals that can be used to scalp trade a volatile asset.
Signals are enabled and customized in the indicator’s input settings Additional options can be found in the options, but it is recommended that these are left at the default, as shown below. The indicator generates many
Entry and Profit levels can be disabled or customized in the indicator’s style settings,
Tradingview Alerts
Using Tradingview alerts, DMT Autobot Dragonfly signals can be used to trigger a trading bot.
To trigger a long or short position, set the Tradingview Alert Condition to DMT 369 Dragonfly and select the long or short option.
It is recommended that long or short positions are configured to trigger Once Per Bar Close
Ladders can also be triggered using alerts. To trigger a ladder order, set the Tradingview Alert Condition to DMT 369 Dragonfly and select the appropriate Long or Short ADD option that is to be triggered by the relevant values defined in the indicator’s configuration.
It is recommended that ladder orders are configured to trigger Once Per Bar,
To trigger a take profit order, set the Tradingview Alert Condition to DMT 369 Dragonfly and select the Long or Short TP option that is to be triggered by the relevant values defined in the indicator’s configuration.
Take profit orders can be configured as Once Per Bar Close or Once Per Minute.
If you wish to trigger a take profit signal immediately when the indicator’s defined take profit value is achieved, then use the Once Per Bar option.
Selecting Once Per Bar Close to generate a take profit signal is a gamble as the candle may close far away from the defined profit target – positive or negative.
While stops can be used, they are not applicable to the recommended ladder strategy.
Ladder Strategy
The DMT Autobot Dragonfly indicator always turns an underwater position into a win by utilizing a ladder strategy.
By using the recommended defaults, the indicator will trigger ladder orders at 3%, 6% & 9% using increasing order sizes,
Order sizes increase exponentially to ensure a good average price is maintained. If you are not using DMT Autobot Dragonfly signals to trigger ladder or take profit orders, please ensure your trading bot is configured to recalculate the new ladder entry and profit target based on the new average position entry price as each ladder is filled.
If you are using DMT Autobot Dragonfly on a leveraged asset, please ensure the leverage position is configured suitably so that your position is not liquidated if the price rapidly moves against you.
If u are looking for more information or access to the script please private msg me in trading view chat thx for support
DMT 369 DRAGRONFLY STRATSuccessful traders trade with a fixed plan and without emotion, but this a lot harder than many new traders think. Many never master this skill and suffer continual drawdowns on their accounts as they overtrade high leverage positions in volatile markets.
ĐΜŦ Autobot resolves this issue by taking the human element out of the equation, allowing full automation of trades using TradingView alerts to trigger your favourite trading bot, such as Alertatron or 3Commas.
Being a Trend Reversal Indicator based on Volatility & Average True Range, ĐΜŦ Autobot is designed to identify spots in the market that offer suitable scalp and swing trade opportunities.
Due to popular demand we have expanded our ĐΜŦ Autobot product line to include the new ĐΜŦ Autobot Dragonfly 3-6-9 Edition which combines DMT with 3-6-9 Vortex mathematics, our Titan indicator and a multi-ladder scalping strategy to ensure you maintain a preferable average entry when price action moves against your position.
Indicator View
It its default state the DMT Autobot Dragonfly indicator displays key signal information, such as:
• Support & resistance range lines
• Titan Body Small & Large Time Frame lines
• Long & Short entry positions
• Long & Short position ladders
• Profit targets
Dragonfly displays a range between resistance (upper line) and support (lower line) on the chart.
Once the price is granted support in the range the lower line will turn green. As price action develops it will make repeated attempts to test support. If support holds price will attempt to test the resistance line (red).
When resistance is broken and the price is above the upper line, the line will turn blue confirming the bullish momentum and provide a potential buy opportunity.
Price action will make attempts to test the upper line as support and will keep rising while support is granted.
Once support is lost the upper line will become red once more. As price action develops it will make repeated attempts to test resistance. If resistance holds, the price will attempt to test the support line (green).
When support is broken and the price goes below the lower line, the line will turn red confirming the bearish momentum and provide a potential selling opportunity.
Price action will make attempts to test the lower line as resistance and will keep dropping while resistance is granted.
Titan Body
The Titan Body Small & Large time frame options in the indicator add additional trendlines to the chart to provide further clarity and confirmation to the Support & Resistance range indication.
Once price is granted support by the Small Time Frame trend line the line will turn green. As price action develops it will make repeated attempts to test the Small Time Frame support. Once the price is below the Small Time Frame trend line, the line will turn red and can act as resistance in a trend reversal.
When price is granted support by the Large Time Frame trend line the line will turn cyan. As price action develops it will make repeated attempts to test the Large Time Frame support. Once the price is below the Large Time Frame trend line, the line will turn orange and can act as resistance in a trend reversal.
The Titan Body enabled and customized in the indicator’s style settings,
Alert indicators
DMT Autobot Dragonfly Edition generates signals that can be used to scalp trade a volatile asset.
Signals are enabled and customized in the indicator’s input settings Additional options can be found in the options, but it is recommended that these are left at the default, as shown below. The indicator generates many
Entry and Profit levels can be disabled or customized in the indicator’s style settings,
Tradingview Alerts
Using Tradingview alerts, DMT Autobot Dragonfly signals can be used to trigger a trading bot.
To trigger a long or short position, set the Tradingview Alert Condition to DMT 369 Dragonfly and select the long or short option.
It is recommended that long or short positions are configured to trigger Once Per Bar Close
Ladders can also be triggered using alerts. To trigger a ladder order, set the Tradingview Alert Condition to DMT 369 Dragonfly and select the appropriate Long or Short ADD option that is to be triggered by the relevant values defined in the indicator’s configuration.
It is recommended that ladder orders are configured to trigger Once Per Bar,
To trigger a take profit order, set the Tradingview Alert Condition to DMT 369 Dragonfly and select the Long or Short TP option that is to be triggered by the relevant values defined in the indicator’s configuration.
Take profit orders can be configured as Once Per Bar Close or Once Per Minute.
If you wish to trigger a take profit signal immediately when the indicator’s defined take profit value is achieved, then use the Once Per Bar option.
Selecting Once Per Bar Close to generate a take profit signal is a gamble as the candle may close far away from the defined profit target – positive or negative.
While stops can be used, they are not applicable to the recommended ladder strategy.
Ladder Strategy
The DMT Autobot Dragonfly indicator always turns an underwater position into a win by utilizing a ladder strategy.
By using the recommended defaults, the indicator will trigger ladder orders at 3%, 6% & 9% using increasing order sizes,
Order sizes increase exponentially to ensure a good average price is maintained. If you are not using DMT Autobot Dragonfly signals to trigger ladder or take profit orders, please ensure your trading bot is configured to recalculate the new ladder entry and profit target based on the new average position entry price as each ladder is filled.
If you are using DMT Autobot Dragonfly on a leveraged asset, please ensure the leverage position is configured suitably so that your position is not liquidated if the price rapidly moves against you.
If u are looking for more information or access to the script please private msg me in trading view chat thx for support
Price Action ChannelsHere are the brand new Price Action Channels.
As time passes and the portfolio grows not only in volume but in assets managed, I have found out that what's needed from technical analysis can't occupy so much time in decision making. Why? I hope you take into consideration other critical variables that affect the market, such as fundamentals, market sentiment, news, the world economy, and so on. Thus, I want to make obvious TA is not supposed to give you miracle formulas. In my investments, technicals count for about 33% of my decision formula.
Now about the indicator.
I'm a big fan of simplicity, and the fact is, everything is numbers and their universal rules.
So the approach we take is entirely following rules of statistics, taking into consideration the maximum amount of data to quantify and qualify moves(changes in price towards a single direction).
Once those moves are defined, we measure their average size, which is the average price range in one direction.
After that, we qualify them by using frequencies and figuring out how often each move happens, let's say:
Asset X, 10% of the times when it moves upwards it's +1%
Asset X, 14% of the times when it moves upwards it's +1,1%
Asset X, 21% of the times when it moves upwards it's +1.3%
Asset X, 25% of the times when it moves upwards it's +1.5%
Asset X, 15% of the times when it moves upwards it's +1.6%
Asset X, 10% of the times when it moves upwards it's +1,7%
Asset X, 5% of the times when it moves upwards it's +2%
With that data, we establish the size of the range and the most reasonable boundaries and thresholds.
This is meant for channels. We consider there are 3 market conditions: Channels(Trending), Sideways, Spikes(abnormal price changes).
So if you try to apply this indicator for huge movements, like news related pumps and such it won't work as it's supposed, since our approach here is to define what's "normal", and such spikes are anomalies.
Sideway assets are doable but not advisable.
We plot all the numbers in a panel, so it's easily readable while trading, and you can fully control where it appears on your screen.
The indicator counts with following features in the Panel:
Channel Sampling Size: Short-term, Mid-term, Long-term
Risk Exposure: Minimum, Low, Modest, Medium, Moderate, High, Maximum
Filtered Price Action
Trading Assist
X & Y Panel Position
Study Strong.
Strategy Quadratic Semaphore I add a basic strategy for the "Quadratic traffic light" indicator, it can help to find a good configuration.
BEST Trailing Stop StrategyHello traders
Here we go again.... with the second strategy snippet.
Reminder: the first snipper was a Trailing Profit strategy script
What's on the menu?
A trailing stop is designed to protect gains by enabling a trade to remain open and continue to profit as long as the price is moving in the investor's favor.
The order closes the trade if the price changes direction by a specified percentage or dollar amount.
Trigger me I'm famous
I developed many trading strategies in my career and often I've been asked to trigger a trailing-stop once a certain % move has been made.
On the screenshot below, the SL trigger is plotted in maroon.
Once the price goes past that level for the first time, I'll start trailing the trailing stop level.
In other words, when we see a price makes an interesting move in percentage value - we decide to trail the stop for at least not losing any more
All the BEST
BEST Trailing Take Profit StrategyHello traders
Hope you enjoyed your weekend on my behalf. Was staying home working ... ^^
This is my first strategy educational post I'm doing ever
While I'm generally against posting strategies because it's very easy to fake performance numbers... I cannot prevent myself from sharing a few cool strategy snippets anyway.
So from now on, I'll be sharing a few strategies also - generally not to showcase performance but only to show what pinescript can do.
As once again strategy performance can be faked is so many ways... :)
What's on the menu?
We all know what a trailing-stop is. right? right? Ok... sharing the definition here :)
A trailing stop is designed to protect gains by enabling a trade to remain open and continue to profit as long as the price is moving in the investor's favor. The order closes the trade if the price changes direction by a specified percentage or dollar amount. you know what a trailing profit is?
Short definition : Well the same but with your profit limit order.
Long definition : A trailing profit is designed to increase your gains by enabling a trade to remain open and continue to profit as long as the price is moving in the investor's favor. The order closes the trade if the price hits the trailing profit level specified percentage or dollar amount.
Some trading strategies used both a trailing stop AND trailing profit. Not making any recommendation here - only sharing what's possible in the realm of trading and pinescripting
Trigger me I'm famous
I developed many trading strategies in my career and often I've been asked to trigger a trailing-stop or trailing-profit once a certain % move has been made.
I integrated here a Take Profit trigger - once hit, it will activate the trailing profit
On the screenshot below, the TP trigger is plotted in orange. Once the price goes past that level for the first time, I'll start trailing the profit level.
In other words, when we see a price makes an interesting move in percentage value - we decide to offset the profit as we concluded that once it reached such distance - then it leads often to more profit
Of course, using only a trailing profit without stop/trailing-stop/invalidation isn't smart and the surest way to kiss goodbye a trading capital and trading and your good mood
See you tomorrow for another strategy snippet
All the BEST
Market Structure Finder [Dzenis]This indicator is designed to help you visualize the high timeframe market structure breaks and shifts in trend.
It finds local swing highs and lows, and defines the market structure based on them.
Break above the blue line = market structure is bullish, look for long/buy
Break below the red line = market structure is bearish, look for short/sell
I wrote it as a strategy so it can be easily backtested, giving a more complete picture of its effectiveness for catching larger swings.
It works best in trending markets such as Bitcoin.
This specific backtesting strategy and buy/sell signals on the chart are meant for trading the spot markets.
Buy signal triggers the entry with 70% of the trading capital (can be adjusted in the indicator menu and backtested with different percentages).
Sell signal exits the position.
The results assume 0.1% trading fees by default (adjustable in the menu as well).
It does not repaint.
If trading the futures markets it can be used purely as an indicator to help you form a HTF bullish/bearish bias and look for trade setups accordingly.
Although it's not designed for intraday moves, it can be used on lower timeframes as well.
8h timeframe for swing trades.
1h timeframe for intraday setups.
Daily timeframe is still the suggested and main use of this indicator (forming high timeframe bias).
For any questions and inquiries, feel free to DM me.
Spectro™ M3 by Hypester [Beta Testing]Hang in there guys! Time to debug, config the new alarms, improve the coloring, and other small fixes.
Spectro is easier and stronger than ever.
Extraordinarily flexible and adjustable to ANY trading style.