新项目启动。 新计算系统训练记录-1 和大部分人不同,看空, Unlike most, it sees short
关于维科夫吸筹形态的可能 还有一种形态为最后未出现弹簧变为横向震荡,区别不大故而没有画出 但从经济学角度出发,应为熊市,所以这只是一种可能和学习。让我们拭目以待。 On the possibility of a Vikov sucker model There is also a pattern for the last unseen spring into a sideways oscillation, the difference is not significant so it is not drawn But from an economics point of view, it should be a bear market, so this is just a possibility and a...
线是胡乱画的。想表达怎么画都会对。最近朋友比较多,就发一个思路,目前是看空ada,不论它怎么拖,终究要回调一波6%左右。 不要有锚点心理 不要有支撑阻力位的锚点心理 不要有惯性思维,震荡转趋势就是被套的时候 先进场赚后进场的钱 机构大户的一切目的就是为了80%的散户买入出货 希望这能上一课 以上,goodluck The lines are drawn haphazardly. Want to express how to draw will be right. Recently there are more friends, so send a thought, is currently bearish ada, no matter how it drags, eventually to retrace a wave...
线是胡乱画的。想表达怎么画都会对。最近朋友比较多,就发一个思路,目前是看空ada,不论它怎么拖,终究要回调一波6%左右。 不要有锚点心理 不要有支撑阻力位的锚点心理 不要有惯性思维,震荡转趋势就是被套的时候 先进场赚后进场的钱 机构大户的一切目的就是为了80%的散户买入出货 希望这能上一课 以上,goodluck The lines are drawn haphazardly. Want to express how to draw will be right. Recently there are more friends, so send a thought, is currently bearish ada, no matter how it drags, eventually to retrace a wave...