
The Bitcoin Magnet Line

Couple weeks ago, I made a post about the ''BTC Argument Zone'', which you can find below this text in the related ideas. I was saying than between 9k and 12k there was a strong argument between buyers and sellers and that this zone was important to watch. However, at the moment the most important spot to watch is way smaller and is more between 9k and 9.5k. I mean, look at those green and red bubbles... They are all attracted at the same place. If price goes up, in no time it'll drop back to the line and the same thing is true when the price goes down. This line is a real powerful magnet for now and as I said for the ''BTC Argument Zone'', it looks like the fair Bitcoin price is this line...

So, who want to buy cheap BTC when price comes under this line ?

I'm not saying Bitcoin will not go down to 3k or something, but the fact is, when you look at this chart you see that this line is a solid price magnet... And if the price fall hard, it will probably go back to 9k in no time.

Stay tuned for more updates. Peace,


