
Being a weekend trading warrior

Your results on Monday will be influenced by the work that you do on the weekend, specifically Sunday.

As an intraday trader I constantly think about my trading.

Here are a few points which every trader should focus on,

1 - Mapping our mental weaknesses
We all have mental challenges, some of us have a lot of FOMO,
while others oversize and over trade, you know what is holding
you back as a trader... FIND IT AND WORK ON IT!

2 - Reviewing trades (winners & losers)
Search for the plays where you can add size,
search for patterns that you can exploit next week,
review your best trades. What trades worked best for you?
more of these on Monday. What trades are not working for you? Eliminate them.

3 - Checking for key levels & patterns
The best in every industry practice and train... yet probably 90% of traders never
really do any kind of practice, they search for a strategy and then cannot wait to apply
it to the markets... real traders work on their trading hence they create REAL SKILLS!
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