
Bitcoin LT Guess 2 (March 10th 2021)

Bitcoin/USD rate (March 10th 2021 through 2024/2025/2026)

This is what I have come up with on a linear scale for bitcoin. Trying to stay far away from log charts for fibonacci purposes but I may try to attempt more log charts in the future.

This is an extremely wild guess
I think after we get to $200k and crash to potentially $10k-$12k-<$20k, we will see another great run to potentially higher than $700k levels so long as the supply and demand theories stay consistent. I believe Bitcoin has actually been bullish since the first $3k crash in November 2018.

There is potential for bitcoin to be worth $5 to $6 million in the future, but we are too far away to say when exactly , but I initially suspect sometime in 2026, or just before. The hardest question to answer is when bitcoin will find final equilibrium or if it will turn into the greatest tulip ever if other better or even gov sanctioned cryptos are introduced, or quantum computers become readily publicly accessible.

The next bull run after this one ends doesn't necessarily have to go as high as my chart indicates here, but it could go into the $1-2 million range, and I would consider that to be truly official institutional adoption when/if that happens. What we are seeing this year is just the beginning which could be stifled hard before seeing even crazier numbers. Maybe John McAfee was onto something after all, just had a bad time frame :) lol

