
New Crypto ETP just began trading under the ticker symbol $HODL

New Crypto ETP just began trading under the ticker symbol $HODL on the SIX Swiss Exchange.
An ETP is very similar to an ETF. Amun Crypto Basket Index (HODL) tracks the price of Bitcoin BTC, Ripple XRP, Ethereum ETH and Litecoin LTC.
Read the full news article here:

"This new ETP will allow retail investors and institutions to gain exposure to the cryptocurrency sector, even institutions that are restricted to only investing in securities."

What is an ETP?

ETP is short for Exchange Traded Products. Similar to an ETF, An ETP is a derivative investment that is traded on securities exchanges, valued on the basis of another investment instrument, such as a commodity or a currency. In the case of Amun Crypto Basket Index HODL , the value will be based on cryptocurrencies.

