Ethereum was created to compromise bitcoin endlessly

Some guy drives up to a shepherd tending a flock of sheep in a car, leans out of the window and says: - If I tell you how many sheep you have in your flock, will you give me one?

The slightly surprised shepherd replies: - Of course, why not.

Then the type takes out a laptop, connects it to a mobile phone, connects to the Internet, goes to the NASA website, selects a GPS satellite connection, finds out the exact coordinates of the place where he is, and sends them to another NASA satellite, which scans this area and produces a photo with super high resolution. Then this type sends the image to one of the laboratories in Hamburg, which in a few seconds sends him an Email confirming that the image has been processed and the received data is stored in the database. Through ODBC, it connects to the MySQL database, copies the data to an Excel spreadsheet, and starts calculating. In a few minutes he gets the result and prints out 150 pages in color on his miniature printer. Finally he says to the shepherd:

– You have 1586 sheep in your herd.

- Exactly! That's how many sheep I have in my herd. Well, choose.

Type chooses one and loads it into the trunk. And then the shepherd said to him: - Listen, if I guess who you are, will you return it to me?

After some thought, the guy says: - Come on.

The shepherd unexpectedly gives out: - You work as a consultant.

- It's true, damn it! And how did you guess?

It was easy to do - the shepherd says. - You showed up when no one called you, you want to get paid for answering a question I already know, to a question no one asked you, and besides, you don’t know a damn thing about my work. So give back my dog.
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