Seeing people announce their net worth on social media may have you asking yourself, "How do I become a millionaire?" Yet "millionaire" can feel like a huge, unobtainable word. However, the good news is that becoming one is actually more realistic than you might think.
The fast-track method of becoming rich in your twenties is to start a high-growth, high-return business with a plan to exit within five years or so.
But, of course, there's absolutely no guarantee you'll even make a penny, and the risk can often outweigh your other options for building a long-term income.
It's important to have a well-researched idea and a solid business plan before you start, as well as a clear picture of how you'll support yourself when there's no money coming in.
Having said all this, there may never be a better time to start in business than as a graduate. Your responsibilities are minimal and even if it all goes wrong, you've got a wealth of experience to build on and take forward.
With your business, you should either identify a need and fill it or find a problem and solve it. Solving for customer needs and exceeding expectations along the way drives business growth.
A customer need is a motive that prompts a customer to buy a product or service. Ultimately, the need is the driver of the customer's purchase decision.
Learning to solve the problems of people, you can make a huge wealth on that. Just look around and look for the things to solve.