
ltc breaks 200!

Looks like we have a continuation higher after consolidation. No red flags at teh moment rsi is high but with all time highs in play rsi are less significant and we could see higher levels than the current rsi of 80.
The market is on a massive bull runs and putting your money in the moving coins is the way to go. Having your money sitting in coins that are in consolidations or a down trend but you think are good entry levels are a mistake in my opinion. I think following the money and volume currently is the way to ensure profits. Yes you may enter a coin low and it may go up but if there isnt a reason to think price will go up now or very soon then there is no reason to tie your money up. As quickly as money has piled into this market over the last few months that money can pull out of it as quickly and if so whatever coin you entered the price will decrease with the market. No one knows when this run will be over so playing what currently is and not what might be is the way to go.
We have a telegram chat room to talk crypto trading news and ideas. no pump signals or bs.

