
BTC vs stock and investing in difficult times

SP:SPX   标准普尔500指数
Difficult times are coming

Since march 2020 when pandemic was accounced we saw many bad for economy decisions. There was no doubt that it will have negative impact. At the beginning bad sentiments were "flooded" with printed money as per tradingeconomics we can see money supply in the US increased 4 times between march and april 2020. Until now we can see effects in very high inflation in Europe and both Americas. South America however always had this problem :)

The war in the Ukraine will have negative impact for wheat supply to many countries in the Middle East and Africa. Other countries to save wheat supply for themselves will ban export. Ban on the Russian oil will increase prices in Europe even more. Probably in some countries we will see fire on the streets in the next year.

When LUNA crashed many people lost 100% of their savings because some invested 100% in one asset.

High inflation is pushing people to bad economical decisions. Some people invest in gold, other in BTC or real estate to save money from inflation. This is however creating the bubble. Many people bought houses in the past 2 years because of very cheap loans (0.05 interest rates). With higher interest rates they will be not able to pay loan, many houses will be sold unfinished.

In the difficult times the winners will be the people who wait with investment for right moment. In next years we will see a lot of bankruptcy.

Watch interest rates in the next months. Expected are further rises in many countries. War in the Ukraine and oil prices have significant role too.
