
Momentum Swing Idea| Large Cap chemical Stock

Tata Chemicals Ltd

Incorporated in 1939, Tata Chemicals Ltd manufactures and exports basic chemistry and specialty products

Financial : strong

Market Cap ₹ 30,007 Cr. Current Price ₹ 1,178
Stock P/E 17.3 ROCE 11.6 % ROE 12.0 % Debt to equity 0.28
Promoter holding 38.0 % Quick ratio 0.79 Current ratio 1.22
Piotroski score 9.00 Profit Var 3Yrs -30.9 % Sales growth 3Years 17.5 %
Pledged percentage 0.00 % Return on assets 6.93 %

this stock from large cap with well known trusted brand . also in momentum with huge volume.
please read this chart and make some sense.

Note: I am not SEBI registered financial Adviser. I solely present my views on chart .I do not charge any kind of service. This is not buy sell recommendation.

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