
#ZKS _ Tricky ALT Spot/to rebuy or wait... the eternal question

this one is tricky. basically im watching for increased Volume ie FoMo because all T and A says this should cool off and re set at least down to .049 maybe in the low .050s at a minimum/ Basically if she runs again anywhere near .07 ride her as best your time/situation, tech set up, and trading venue allows if she drops through these .06s esp lower .06s watch n wait

AS more DEXs caries this ZKS token that should only prop this guy up meaning not enough money can enter fast enough to truly change this coins position much more then 5 10%. (the #ZKS market cap is around 14 million compared to BTC at 750 Billion. You tell me which is easier to double, triple etc.) its when we see CENTRALIZED exchanges start to offer trades in ZKS is when these ALTs really go BOOM> the utility is solid as hell. tech top notch my biggest issue with Layer two project's is they are just down rite intimidating for those not "Deep in the crypto w00ds" EXAMPLE you need to move ETH to a Decentralized wallet you control (you can go direct from Crypto . com to some of these layer 2 DEXs/Projects and i know the Coinbase wallet connecting with OPIMISM and other "deep wood" DEXs/Projects (UNI-Swaps big Layer 2 Project/DEX) then transfer your crypto Via a bridge which can mean changing the network you are on in your Wallet. some are starting to automate this a bit more but taking 3 or so steps to get crypto somewhere and add in bridges/layer 2 and other crypto buzz words and that no one can really explain easily.

