
The real reason Bitcoin shorts dropped.

The bears got bored of a ponzi full of bagHODLers being flat and all moved to Tesla :D

So now Elon is saying "Tesla made 0 cars in 2011, but will make around 500k in 2019".
Bluff. He is desperate. Every one will be surprised if he is telling the truth, but last time he had said things that seemed desperate lies, they were just that.

I am not calling to short, there are so many bears with Tesla they could get squeezed.
I really do not like shorting stocks also, I am a currencies and commodities traders (industrial metals & agriculture, not sure about gold/oil) and I know what works there.
But stocks have a tendancy to always trend up. Plus they are a retail market, full of bagholders.
Really bad simple TA strategies were greatly backtested (the ones I know of are the federal reserve of New York & TastyTrade - a broker that has a talk show), and with stocks they found time and time again that Technical Analysis did not work (not really as they only tested MA crosses and candlestick patterns so all they proved is that did not work they did not test what I do which are trendlines fibonacci EW and momentum this includes RSI/MACD even thought they are not really necessary), and in all their tests, they found time and time again that long only strategy won money, short only strategies consistently lost money.

There are people that deeply analyse companies fundamentals and make money being short on them for as many months it takes (and giving these companies additional kicks on the way down aka adding to your winner), I am not one of these people.

Still, I know there is something very fishy with this company, and I can at least warn not to invest in this. It is the same as buying a lottery ticket. Or buying cryptocurrencies.

There might be a possibility to buy the dip as more investors get suckered in this scam and make it bounce, make sure to dump on them before it continues on the way down.

"Elon Musk is someone smart that thinks he is a genius" - Charlie Munger (not phrased exactly like this).

Good intentions alone do not mean much. How many celebrities have the gall to tell people they should help stop global warming why these rich undeserving brainlets fly private jets?
Tesla is just a big big waste.

Stay away!

Inb4 "You just don't get it" "It is because of people like you" "Oh history will not be kind to you".

Bonus: on Tesla model3 web page there is a comment (in the html) "Application to help drive inventory sales by presenting a unified and simplified configurator". LOL.
You can check inventories yourself and see they are stagnating, and Elon/the company is LYING about the high demand.
There are so many ridiculous anecdotes about this company.

