标普500周级别趋势与基本交易策略!目前来看,日线顶部特征并出现分歧,上⾏空间应该非常有限,只有日收盘低于6015才是⾏情反转 的初步信号,下周非常关键,日线如果收于6015则以下将面临2-3周的横盘下跌⾏情。 由AIstarry提供1
买在哀鸿遍野,卖在人声鼎沸!认知层面的投资第一堂课买在哀鸿遍野,卖在人声鼎沸,炮火中挺进,烟花中撤退,大家恐惧我贪婪,大家贪婪我恐惧。喜绿爱跌、愁红恨涨、追跌杀涨、买阴卖阳,这些都是认知层面的投资第一堂课 上证综合指数(沪指)在不同时间周期下的**供需关系**,结合供需区间和K线走势可以进行分析。以下是详细解读: 1. **供需关系基础理解** - **绿色区域**代表**需求区**(支撑区域):价格在这些区域附近有较强的买入意愿,通常会反弹。 - **红色区域**代表**供给区**(压力区域):价格接近这些区域时,会遇到较强的卖出压力,可能回落。 - 通过这些区域可以判断价格反转的潜在区域,并结合K线形态验证供需力量的平衡或失衡。 2. **各周期供需分析** **5分钟图(左上角)** - 价格下跌后反弹,目前接近短期供给区(红色区域)。 - 说明短期卖压较强,如果价格未能突破供给区,则可能回落。 **15分钟图(上中)** - 同样显示一个较强的供给区,价格接近此区域后遇阻下跌。 - 需求区(绿色区域)在更低的位置起到支撑作用。 **1小时图(上右中)** - 价格在供给区附近回落,体现出卖方力量主导。 - 下方需求区有支撑,短期内可能震荡。 **2小时图(右上)** - 价格接近长期供给区后再次回落,显示出更强的卖压。 - 下方需求区分布较大,价格支撑的力度更强。 **4小时图(左下角)** - 价格在供需平衡中波动,短期内需求区提供支撑,反弹动能较弱。 **日线图(中下)** - 日线显示出价格正在触及供需平衡点。 - 如果需求区支撑有效,价格有望在此区域反弹。 **周线图(下右中)** - 价格反弹遇到供给区,显示出较强的卖压。 - 下方需求区支撑仍然有效,长期走势需要关注多空力量平衡。 **月线图(右下角)** - 大级别月线图显示长期供给区压力较大。 - 下方需求区则表现为关键支撑区域,说明中长期需要积累动能突破压力区。 3. **总结与建议** - **短期策略**:价格在5分钟和15分钟图供给区遇阻,短线回调概率较高,需关注需求区的支撑情况。 - **中期策略**:1小时到4小时图供需平衡区显示多空力量相对均衡,可等待突破方向。 - **长期策略**:日线、周线及月线级别显示长期供给区压力较强,投资者需关注需求区的反弹力度以及未来量能配合情况。 Buy in the midst of widespread grief, sell in the midst of a clamor of people, advance in the midst of gunfire, retreat in the midst of fireworks, everyone is afraid but I am greedy, everyone is greedy but I am afraid. I like green and love falling, I hate red and hate rising, I chase falling and kill rising, I buy Yin and sell Yang, these are the first lessons of investment at the cognitive level This technical analysis chart shows the **supply and demand relationship** of the **Shanghai Composite Index** (Shanghai Stock Index) in different time periods, which can be analyzed by combining the supply and demand range and the K-line trend. The following is a detailed interpretation: 1. **Basic understanding of supply and demand relationship** - **Green areas** represent **demand areas** (support areas): Prices have a strong willingness to buy near these areas and usually rebound. - **Red areas** represent **supply areas** (pressure areas): When prices approach these areas, they will encounter strong selling pressure and may fall back. - Through these areas, the potential areas for price reversal can be judged, and the balance or imbalance of supply and demand forces can be verified by combining the K-line pattern. 2. **Supply and demand analysis of each cycle** **5-minute chart (upper left corner)** - After the price fell, it rebounded and is currently close to the short-term supply area (red area). - It shows that the short-term selling pressure is strong. If the price fails to break through the supply area, it may fall back. **15-minute chart (upper middle)** - It also shows a strong supply area. The price encounters resistance and falls after approaching this area. - The demand area (green area) plays a supporting role at a lower position. **1-hour chart (upper right middle)** - The price fell back near the supply area, reflecting the dominant force of sellers. - There is support in the demand area below, and it may fluctuate in the short term. **2-hour chart (upper right)** - After the price approaches the long-term supply area, it fell again, showing stronger selling pressure. - The demand area below is larger, and the price support is stronger. **4-hour chart (lower left corner)** - The price fluctuates in the balance of supply and demand. The demand area provides support in the short term, and the rebound momentum is weak. **Daily chart (lower middle)** - The daily chart shows that the price is reaching the balance point of supply and demand. - If the demand zone support is effective, the price is expected to rebound in this area. **Weekly chart (lower right middle)** - The price rebound encounters the supply zone, showing strong selling pressure. - The support of the lower demand zone is still effective, and the long-term trend needs to pay attention to the balance of long and short forces. **Monthly chart (lower right corner)** - The large-scale monthly chart shows that the long-term supply zone has greater pressure. - The lower demand zone is a key support area, indicating that it is necessary to accumulate momentum to break through the pressure zone in the medium and long term. 3. **Summary and suggestions** - **Short-term strategy**: The price encounters resistance in the supply zone of the 5-minute and 15-minute charts, and the probability of short-term correction is high. It is necessary to pay attention to the support of the demand zone. - **Medium-term strategy**: The supply and demand balance zone of the 1-hour to 4-hour chart shows that the long and short forces are relatively balanced, and the breakthrough direction can be waited for. - **Long-term strategy**: Daily, weekly and monthly levels show that the long-term supply zone has strong pressure. Investors need to pay attention to the rebound strength of the demand zone and the future volume coordination. Through the above analysis of **supply and demand relationship**, the potential price trend can be comprehensively judged by combining trading volume, K-line pattern and market momentum. For traders, the supply and demand area is an important support and pressure point, which helps to optimize entry and exit strategies. 通过以上**供需关系**的分析,可以结合成交量、K线形态和市场动能综合判断价格的潜在走势。对于交易者来说,供需区域是重要的支撑和压力点,有助于优化入场和出场策略。由AASFANS提供3
12月14日发布下周热点题材量化 Publish next week's hot topics quantitative12月14日量化数据(排名不分先后): 一带一路 新零售 人工智能 新材料 光伏 创投 节能环保 乡村振兴 机器人 Quantitative data on December 14 (in no particular order): One Belt One Road New Retail Artificial Intelligence New Materials Photovoltaics Venture Capital Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Rural Revitalization Robots 07:50由AASFANS提供3
交易投资是少数人成功,具有反人性特征Trading has certain anti-human characteristics注:本词条只是个人主观猜想,不作为投资建议 中央经济工作会议一发布,A50迅速下跌回踩大小周期需求区 这种走势和以往有很大不同 个人认为是为后期上涨拉大空间以便发力,顺手将一部分不坚定者抛之门外! 在炮火中挺进,在烟花中撤退。在绝望中重生、在争议中上涨! 从个人主观价值分析(不作为实质信号):昨日养老金新政策大概率为后期养老金池子注入充足Water,这些Water怎么来,必须经历长期布局规划进入市场,而不是一朝一夕,健康稳定运转这个Water循环系统的初步动作必须建立池子洒水吸水循环往复,避免挥发(内资外溢),叠加Currency宽松政策,吸引外溢资金归巢! Note: This entry is just a personal subjective guess and is not intended as investment advice. As soon as the Central Economic Work Conference was released, A50 fell sharply and returned to the demand area. This trend is very different from the past Personally, I think it brings motivation to expand the space for upgrading and improvement, and conveniently throws away some of the unsteady ones! Advance amid artillery fire, retreat amid fireworks. Reborn from the bottom and rises from the controversy! From the analysis of personal advantage value (not as a substantive signal): The new policy of the third meeting is expected to inject sufficient water into the leading pool. How does this water come from? It must go through long-term layout planning and enter the market rather than the market. It is a matter of time and night to ensure the healthy and stable operation of this water circulation system. The initial actions must establish a cycle of water spraying and water absorption in the pool to avoid breathing (domestic capital spillover), accelerate monetary policy, and attract spillover funds to return home!做多由AASFANS提供336
从A50看,沪深前50票。还是要继续回调,到位才会上涨。磨时间罢了从A50看,沪深前50票。还是要继续回调,到位才会上涨。磨时间罢了 中证100,国证A50,不少指数可以对应这个,中证100指数很接近富时A50指数由trade1638提供0
{2024/12/11} 教yi园:美元指数实现2024年两个大级别目标,2025将会有新高的动能TVC:DXY 美指的强势已经完全不再是单纯的货币政策差异导致,而是欧美利差推动美指的强势会继续上涨。 随着川普上台,强美元已经成为共识,市场用价格已经体现了即将出现的芝麻开花节节高走势。 2025年或许只有一个重要看点,那就是DXY能否出现新高,这将具有划时代意义。 今非昔比,往日的经验已经不足以解释当前的环境。 打破眼中的“隧道效应”,黑天鹅某种程度不仅仅只代表了向下,还有可能是向上。 带着固有思维看待市场,等于带上了有偏见的眼镜! 做多由Lifetime0426提供1
对A股未来行情,从宏观经济的几个角度进行分析Analyze the future market of A-shares from就是这种节奏,整个大盘没什么问题,昨天那种一朝被蛇咬的情绪已经释放 对A股未来行情,从宏观经济的几个角度进行分析: 1. 政策支持利好 • 国家正积极推出稳经济、稳增长的政策 • 减税降费、货币宽松等措施将逐步发力 •资本市场改革持续推进,注册制平稳运行 2. 估值修复空间 • 目前A股整体估值处于历史较低水平 • 蓝筹股和部分优质成长股性价比突出 • 长期投资者可以逢低布局 3. 结构性机会 • 新能源、科技创新、高端制造等赛道潜力大 • 消费、医药等防御性板块也值得关注 • 国产替代和数字经济将是主线 总的来说,我对A股中长期发展保持谨慎乐观态度。建议投资者结构性配置、价值成长并重(重点渗透率比较低的新兴行业:机器人,量子科技,人工智能,可持续能源:光伏,可控核聚变等(高端电力设备)。 做多由AASFANS提供113
标普500周级别趋势与基本交易策略!标普突破新⾼取消了周趋势的看熊,虽然周线以处在顶部位置,但对于⾏情是否反转看跌,需要⽇线收盘低于6015当前为混合看法,只有日收盘低于6015才是⾏情反转的初步信号。 由AIstarry提供1
给大A算个命...博诸君一笑谐波 伽特利形态 + AB = CD 收敛在臆测的D点 目前12月9号的会议结果已出炉 口号很响亮, 港股反应很大, 富时A50反应也很大 也许应该从会议原文里找找类似 "奋力一搏" 的字眼摸一把妖股 ? 但实际呢 ? 放多少水? 赤字率提升到4% ? 怎么提振消费? 好像并没有看到 个人认为, 真正的牛市一定是预期与现实同步的 强预期与弱现实的当下, 是无法支撑起牛市的 只有宏观经济数据的全面转好 + 强力的政策驱动 双管齐下 大A才有光明的未来 我从不吝于表达我对大A , 对中国资产的长期看好 , 但现实就是现实 没有谁是想做金融消费者 年底啦, 机构也要年终结算发年终奖了 做多由Alisa_LIn提供332